Share your vision of a campus or society FREE from gender-based violence with the hashtag #hopestories and #campushopestories through
Twitter @floweringhopeUS, on Instagram @floweringhopeorg, on our Facebook page, or on Tumblr at flowering hope. Download the #hopestories postcard or the #campushopestories postcard, or email us and we will send you, your organization, or campus some postcards!
Alternatively, you can order postcards for your university or organization using the form below. If you send them back to us we will upload it for others to see on a national scale, then send them back to your university/organization for your own awareness program. If you don't want to send them back, you can simply take a photo and put them on Instagram, tag @floweringhopeUS, then use the hashtag #hopestories and #campushopestories.
Twitter @floweringhopeUS, on Instagram @floweringhopeorg, on our Facebook page, or on Tumblr at flowering hope. Download the #hopestories postcard or the #campushopestories postcard, or email us and we will send you, your organization, or campus some postcards!
Alternatively, you can order postcards for your university or organization using the form below. If you send them back to us we will upload it for others to see on a national scale, then send them back to your university/organization for your own awareness program. If you don't want to send them back, you can simply take a photo and put them on Instagram, tag @floweringhopeUS, then use the hashtag #hopestories and #campushopestories.
Our #hopestories and #campushopestories campaigns are focused on a future free from gender-based violence. The purpose of the campaigns is multifold: to collect data, to bring light to the issue of gender-baseed violence and all its forms, and to provide an opportunity for survivors AND supporters to anonymously speak to his/her vision within the local community and beyond. The postcard is uploaded to the website, then returned to the campus to add to their specific awareness program.
If you'd like to help support this campaign, the main expenses are printing and postage. Even small donations go a long way towards continuing this campaign! Thank you for your Donation!
If you'd like to help support this campaign, the main expenses are printing and postage. Even small donations go a long way towards continuing this campaign! Thank you for your Donation!
If you would like more information on how the campaign would run on your campus, please click on the "More information" button.