A misuse of anything. Cruelty that causes harm to another.
Acquaintance Rape / Date Rape
When a person knows his/her attacker (partner, family member, doctor, neighbor, co-worker, etc.) it is considered an “acquaintance rape”. Because of the personal connection to the perpetrator, the survivor may not classify what has happened as rape. Acquaintance rapes account for more than 75% of all reported rapes.
An unlawful attempt or offer. on the part of one man, with force or violence, to inflict a bodily hurt upon another.
Battering is a series of verbal, physical or psychological tactics that one person uses to gain control over another person, often a partner or ex-partner. Battering can occur in intimate relationships (partner violence) and within a family (domestic violence).
Coercion is the use of emotional manipulation to persuade someone to something they may not want to do – like being sexual or performing certain sexual acts. Examples of some coercive statements include: “If you love me you would have sex with me .”, “If you don't have sex with me I will find someone who will.”, and “I'm not sure I can be with someone who doesn't want to have sex with me.” Coercive statements are often part of many campus acquaintance rapes. Being coerced into having sex or performing sexual acts is not consenting to having sex and is considered rape/sexual assault.
Consent is clear permission between intimate partners that what they are doing is okay and safe. To consent to something – like being sexual – means you confidently agree to do it based on your own free will without any influence or pressure. You cannot legally consent if you are drinking or under the influence of drugs as your ability to consent has been impaired.
CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children)
A form of violence against children. CSEC is any sexual activity involving a child where there is an exchange, or a promise, of something of value. The exchange or promise can be to the child or to other(s).
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is verbal, physical, psychological or sexual violence within the fluid concept of “family”. Such violence can occur between domestic partners, parents and children, siblings, or extended family members.
Heterosexism is the systematic, day-to-day, institutional mistreatment of gay, lesbian, transsexual and bisexual people by a heterosexually dominated culture. At its core, heterosexism assumes that heterosexual relationships represent the norm and are, therefore, implicitly superior to gay, lesbian, transsexual or bisexual relationships. Out of heterosexism stems homophobia which is the fear and/or hatred of gays, lesbians, transsexuals and bisexuals because of their sexual orientations.
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery. It involves controlling a person through force, fraud, or coercion to exploit the victim for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both. Human trafficking strips victims of their freedom and violates our nation’s promise that every person in the United States is guaranteed basic human rights. It is also a crime.
The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex of another person, without the consent of the victim.
Sexism is the system of attitudes, assumptions, actions and institutions that treat women as inferior and make women vulnerable to violence, disrespect and discrimination. Sexism is intensified and compounded by other systematic imbalances of power because of class, race, age, sexual orientation and physical/mental ability. In a sexist world, men have more political, economic and social power than women.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is a term generally used to refer to inappropriate sexual conduct on a child.
Sexual Assault
These are the advances physically of one person from another in a sexual way that can lead to a sexual assault.
Sexual Harassment
Different from sexual assault, sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual advance, comment, attention, gesture or behavior. Sexual harassment can be verbal, non-verbal or physical. Often, sexual harassment includes pressure by supervisors on his/her employees to reciprocate sexual advances in order to protect or advance in a job.
Sex Trafficking
The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for a commercial sex act. It includes situations in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age. There is always a 3rd party exploiter who profits from the exploitation.
According to Massachusetts General Law, stalking occurs when someone “willfully and repeatedly follows and harasses another person and who makes a threat with the intent to place a person in fear” for their personal wellbeing. A person can stalk someone by following, calling, instant messaging, writing, emailing another person.
Stranger Rape
When a person is raped by an unknown attacker it is considered a “stranger rape”. Stranger rapes, contrary to media coverage, are rare and account for only 25% of all reported sexual assaults. Most victims know their attackers.
This term – used throughout this document – is used in place of “victim” to describe someone who has survived sexual abuse or assault, or physical abuse or violence. The term “survivor” honors and empowers the strength of an individual to heal.
A misuse of anything. Cruelty that causes harm to another.
Acquaintance Rape / Date Rape
When a person knows his/her attacker (partner, family member, doctor, neighbor, co-worker, etc.) it is considered an “acquaintance rape”. Because of the personal connection to the perpetrator, the survivor may not classify what has happened as rape. Acquaintance rapes account for more than 75% of all reported rapes.
An unlawful attempt or offer. on the part of one man, with force or violence, to inflict a bodily hurt upon another.
Battering is a series of verbal, physical or psychological tactics that one person uses to gain control over another person, often a partner or ex-partner. Battering can occur in intimate relationships (partner violence) and within a family (domestic violence).
Coercion is the use of emotional manipulation to persuade someone to something they may not want to do – like being sexual or performing certain sexual acts. Examples of some coercive statements include: “If you love me you would have sex with me .”, “If you don't have sex with me I will find someone who will.”, and “I'm not sure I can be with someone who doesn't want to have sex with me.” Coercive statements are often part of many campus acquaintance rapes. Being coerced into having sex or performing sexual acts is not consenting to having sex and is considered rape/sexual assault.
Consent is clear permission between intimate partners that what they are doing is okay and safe. To consent to something – like being sexual – means you confidently agree to do it based on your own free will without any influence or pressure. You cannot legally consent if you are drinking or under the influence of drugs as your ability to consent has been impaired.
CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children)
A form of violence against children. CSEC is any sexual activity involving a child where there is an exchange, or a promise, of something of value. The exchange or promise can be to the child or to other(s).
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is verbal, physical, psychological or sexual violence within the fluid concept of “family”. Such violence can occur between domestic partners, parents and children, siblings, or extended family members.
Heterosexism is the systematic, day-to-day, institutional mistreatment of gay, lesbian, transsexual and bisexual people by a heterosexually dominated culture. At its core, heterosexism assumes that heterosexual relationships represent the norm and are, therefore, implicitly superior to gay, lesbian, transsexual or bisexual relationships. Out of heterosexism stems homophobia which is the fear and/or hatred of gays, lesbians, transsexuals and bisexuals because of their sexual orientations.
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery. It involves controlling a person through force, fraud, or coercion to exploit the victim for forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both. Human trafficking strips victims of their freedom and violates our nation’s promise that every person in the United States is guaranteed basic human rights. It is also a crime.
The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex of another person, without the consent of the victim.
Sexism is the system of attitudes, assumptions, actions and institutions that treat women as inferior and make women vulnerable to violence, disrespect and discrimination. Sexism is intensified and compounded by other systematic imbalances of power because of class, race, age, sexual orientation and physical/mental ability. In a sexist world, men have more political, economic and social power than women.
Sexual Abuse
Sexual abuse is a term generally used to refer to inappropriate sexual conduct on a child.
Sexual Assault
These are the advances physically of one person from another in a sexual way that can lead to a sexual assault.
Sexual Harassment
Different from sexual assault, sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual advance, comment, attention, gesture or behavior. Sexual harassment can be verbal, non-verbal or physical. Often, sexual harassment includes pressure by supervisors on his/her employees to reciprocate sexual advances in order to protect or advance in a job.
Sex Trafficking
The recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for a commercial sex act. It includes situations in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act has not attained 18 years of age. There is always a 3rd party exploiter who profits from the exploitation.
According to Massachusetts General Law, stalking occurs when someone “willfully and repeatedly follows and harasses another person and who makes a threat with the intent to place a person in fear” for their personal wellbeing. A person can stalk someone by following, calling, instant messaging, writing, emailing another person.
Stranger Rape
When a person is raped by an unknown attacker it is considered a “stranger rape”. Stranger rapes, contrary to media coverage, are rare and account for only 25% of all reported sexual assaults. Most victims know their attackers.
This term – used throughout this document – is used in place of “victim” to describe someone who has survived sexual abuse or assault, or physical abuse or violence. The term “survivor” honors and empowers the strength of an individual to heal.
Sources for definitions: - Black's Law Dictionary Free Online Dictionary 2nd Ed. - State of Cal Dept of Justice, Office of the Attorney General - Black's Law Dictionary Free Online Dictionary 2nd Ed. - State of Cal Dept of Justice, Office of the Attorney General